author & illustrator


bologna 2

The last three paintings are done! These will be sent off to Italy this week. Keep your fingers crossed they make it safely. The exhibit is in March.

I painted these just for the show based on my wip Scarletta: The-Not-So-Famous Pig Opera. Next on my agenda is whipping the manuscript into shape...

frog flu

Symptoms: boredom, lack of energy, dry croaky throat. Treatment: read Tissue, Please!

Okay, as far as I can tell there is no such thing as the frog flu, but the swine flu is a huge concern this fall. There are a lot of great ways to educate kids on staying healthy and one of them is reading books together with themes about the use of tissues, washing hands etc. and even better, a little role playing with humor. PBS Teachers has a great list of books to help address health concerns and Tissue, Please! is one of their recommended books. Yay! Check out the PBS list of books for some great ideas.

You can find Tissue, Please! at or your local library.